
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.

2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
dimanche 12 février 2012 à 19:58
Le topic des patchs et annonce des bêtas.
Voici le topic pour vous annoncer les sorties des patchs pour Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Les version Bêta ou Stable.

Les Patchs peuvent se trouver dans plusieurs endroits du site de la Clickteam.
-Dans la Zone Community Passport.
-Dans la Zone Poduct Owner's Lunge.
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Multimedia Fusion 2
Ios/ ?

MMF2/258 RC2

Modifié le vendredi 23 août 2019 à 15:39 par Monos
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
dimanche 12 février 2012 à 20:01
Le patch beta 1 After Build 254 est disponible sur le site anglais avec les modifications suivantes :

- All runtimes : set animation speed had no effect for objects with static movements.
- Non-PC runtimes (Java, SWF, etc) : the collision detection is now faster.
- Non-PC runtimes (Java, SWF, etc) : sometimes the active object kept its previous animation direction.
- Non-PC runtimes (Java, SWF, etc) / Drag & Drop movement : sometimes the object was not selected when you clicked on it.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
vendredi 20 avril 2012 à 08:47
Le patch bêta 2 après la 254 est sortie. Allez voir le fofo privé anglais que vous avez activé avec vos code de série.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
jeudi 17 mai 2012 à 16:20
Bêta 3 après le patch 254 disponible dans le fofo anglais dans les catégories privés à activer avec vos licences.
[quote]Fixes and new features in this beta version

- Fix in the drag & drop object in scrolling application, in the PC and Java runtimes.
- Japanese version : a bigger part of the documentation has been translated to Japanese, the translation of the final part will be available later.
- Java : a displayable extension object under an active object prevented it from being dragged.
- Java: Animations didn't sometimes end properly during lag/low framerate scenarios causing problems in games relying on the current animation frame.

2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
lundi 28 mai 2012 à 10:27
Désolé du double post.
Pour les personnes qui ont MMF,(dev) vous pouvez allez récupérer le patch 255RC sur le site anglais. Lien

Activez le fofo privé mmf, en trouvant et activant votre licence sur le forum. (Je ne sais plus ou ça se trouve, mais vous allez bien trouver.

Les divers corrections apporté avec ce patch par apport au patch 254.

[quote]Fixes and new features in RC

- new Banned Extensions tab in the Preferences. Allows you to ignore some extensions when MMF2 starts. For example if you use both the normal and Unicode versions of MMF2, you can ignore crashing EDIF extensions only in the Unicode version. Also, when an extension crashes MMF at start, the new build automatically detects it when you restart it and the crashing extension is added to the Banned Extensions tab.
- Unicode version : the Edit Box, List Box and Combo Box objects are now able to load UTF-8 text files that start with the UTF-8 mark.
- Unicode version : display issues (and/or crash) in the Event editor when the Execute External Program action is displayed.

Refer to the beta test forums of the exporters for their specific fixes.

Fixes and new features in beta 3

- Fix in the drag & drop object in scrolling application, in the PC and Java runtimes.
- Japanese version : a bigger part of the documentation has been translated to Japanese, the translation of the final part will be available later.
- Java : a displayable extension object under an active object prevented it from being dragged.
- Java : Animations didn't sometimes end properly during lag/low framerate scenarios causing problems in games relying on the current animation frame.
- Java : fixed a problem with action points.

Fixes and new features in Beta 2

- Japanese version : applications could crash due to corrupted memory due to registration issues with some Japanese names (this issue probably appeared in build 253).
- PC runtime : applications that contain objects without Data/Runtime MFX file could crash when you ran them from MMF2.
- PC runtime : various issues when objects were missing from the Data/Runtime folder when you run applications from MMF2 or when you save them as stand-alone applications.
- PC runtime : crash when you use several instances of the same global object and several of these instances have different alterable strings (this issue had been fixed previously, but not entirely).
- PC runtime : the documentation was not displayed anymore when you press F1.
- Direct3D mode : shaders were disabled in the effect selector for layers.
- Crash in applications with missing objects when the "Display build warning messages" option was unselected

Fixes and new features in Beta 1

- All runtimes : set animation speed had no effect for objects with static movements.
- Non-PC runtimes (Java, SWF, etc) : the collision detection is now faster.
- Non-PC runtimes (Java, SWF, etc) : sometimes the active object kept its previous animation direction.
- Non-PC runtimes (Java, SWF, etc) / Drag & Drop movement : sometimes the object was not selected when you clicked on it.[/quote]
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
samedi 2 juin 2012 à 12:06
Build 255

[quote]- new 'Extensions to Ignore' tab in the Preferences. Allows you to ignore some extensions when MMF2 starts. For example if you use both the normal and Unicode versions of MMF2, you can ignore old crashing EDIF extensions only in the Unicode version. Also, when an extension crashes MMF at start, the new build automatically detects it when you restart it and the crashing extension is added to the Extensions to Ignore tab.
- Direct3D mode : shaders were disabled in the effect selector for layers.
- Crash in applications with missing objects when the "Display build warning messages" option was unselected
- All runtimes : set animation speed had no effect for objects with static movements.
- All runtimes : fix in the drag & drop object in scrolling applications.
- PC runtime : applications that contain objects without Data/Runtime MFX file could crash when you ran them from MMF2.
- PC runtime : various issues when objects were missing from the Data/Runtime folder when you run applications from MMF2 or when you save them as stand-alone applications.
- PC runtime : crash when you use several instances of the same global object and several of these instances have different alterable strings (this issue had been fixed previously, but not entirely).
- PC runtime : the documentation was not displayed anymore when you press F1.
- Java, SWF, iOS Runtimes : the collision detection is now faster.
- Java, SWF, iOS Runtimes : sometimes the active object kept its previous animation direction.
- Java, SWF, iOS Runtimes / Drag & Drop movement : sometimes the object was not selected when you clicked on it.
- Java Runtime : a displayable extension object under an active object prevented it from being dragged.
- Java Runtime : Animations didn't sometimes end properly during lag/low framerate scenarios causing problems in games relying on the current animation frame.
- Java Runtime : fixed a problem with action points.

Corrections et nouveautés dans les versions Unicode

- Unicode version : the Edit Box, List Box and Combo Box objects are now able to load UTF-8 text files that start with the UTF-8 mark.
- Unicode version : display issues (and/or crash) in the Event editor when the Execute External Program action is displayed.
- Japanese version : a bigger part of the documentation has been translated to Japanese, the translation of the final part will be available later.
- Japanese version : applications could crash due to corrupted memory due to registration issues with some Japanese names (this issue probably appeared in build 253).
- INI object : new UTF8 option in the properties. When this option is selected, strings are written in UTF8 format in the INI file. This option is selected by default in new objects only, in old applications you have to select it manually if you want to use it. When this option is not selected, the characters are written in the current Windows character set, causing issues for example if you write Greek, Japanese or Chinese characters on an English machine. Note: be careful, you cannot use non-ANSI characters in the filename of the INI file if you use this option.

Corrections et nouveautés dans le module SWF

- Flash : crashes under certain circumstances with the Set angle action
- Fix in the drag & drop object in scrolling applications.
- Fix in the Q&A object.
- Flash : sometimes animations didn't end properly during lag/low framerate scenarios causing problems in games relying on the current animation frame.
- Flash / Active Object : the Blend Coefficient property had no effect on the semi-transparency value
- Flash : Question object was not responding to mouse clicks

Corrections et nouveautés dans le module iOS

- New: ForEach object has been ported to iOS!
- New: CreateByName object has been ported to iOS!
- Crash in release mode when using qualifiers
- Crash when clicking an object with no sprite
- Crash with global string objects on frame change
- Rare crash dealing with objects that used CArrayList
- Fixed mouse and multitouch coordinate bug in scrolled games
- Reset the touch state after leaving iOS video fullscreen (the first fix didn't seem to work for all people)
- Rare crash when restarting the frame
- Setting an ink-effect manually could accidentally set it's semitransparency ratio as well
- Positioning of UI elements in subapps were wrong
- Mouse/touch coordinates were wrong inside subapps if the parent frame was scrolled
- Advanced scrolling fadeout bug
- Active Picture object had a wrong bounding box routine which made it invisible under certain circumstances.
- iOS video object captured mouse input when it had gone fullscreen
- Crash if string object had no paragraph
- Get object now uses UTF8 encoding to be able to get all sorts of accented strings (needs a bit more testing)
- Added backdrops could have a badly adjusted hotspot (needs a bit more testing)
- Ellipse rendering in quick backdrops was not working
- More accurate initial user interface orientation detection.- Note: It is still wrong in the simulator sometimes. This is because of a bug in the API.
- INI, Hiscores, List object : saved data are now saved in the document directory of the bundle.
- Looping sounds could not be paused
- Array object : global arrays were released when loading an array from a file, causing crashs and misbehaviors later
- Active System Box object : texts containing accents were not displayed
- Array object : accent in array files were not properly loaded.
- Active system box : object did not respond to click once the frame was scrolled
- Initial orientation was wrong on some devices (caused Game Center to mess up)
- Replace color now works
- List object should now be sized more closely to how it is sized in the frame editor
- Active picture offset scroll would go the wrong direction
- Active picture: The position would be adjusted wrong when the hotspot was updated
- Problem when the runtime reuploaded a texture to the graphics card
- Add backdrop of an object set to no collision had no effect on the collision mask
- Drag & drop movement did not work in a scrolling frame
- Drag & drop movement refused to move an object if it was laying over a larger non-sprite object
- A displayable extension object under an active object prevented it from being dragged
- Left$ Right$ crashed when given a negative parameter
- String object were not vertically centered or aligned on the bottom
- Optimization of the "On Loop" condition when used with a simple string constant (most of the cases)
- Transitions didn't work on scaled/rotated objects (and now work with some ink-effects too)
- Date & time object : crash in clock mode
- Multi-Touch object : event editor now displays the object icon before the conditions
- Leaderboard object : icon display before condition "An error has occured"
- Leaderboard object : getting the title of the leaderboard stopped all communications with the server
- Button : fully opaque images were wrong
- Easing object : expressions returned wrong values
- Active Picture object : crash on iPad when picking image from selector
- Active Picture : didn't use the resizing resample method
- Active object : sometimes animations didn't end properly during lag/low framerate scenarios causing problems in games relying on the current animation frame
- Non unicode version : Fixed some strings failing to load because of a special character
- Screen orientation issues with GameCenter and Q&A object
- Several performance optimizations in Score object, expression evaluation, Quick backdrop rendering, string expression parameters
- Could not change INK effect to monochrome
- Possible fix for iOS Store crash when invalid data is returned from the store
- iOS Video object crashed if the file resource was missing
- iOS Video object could obstruct input events after it was removed from the frame
- iOS Button and Button objects : change text action had no effect
- Crash in when Game Center authenticated local player
- Global array could use incorrect old data
- Counters not appearing until changed
- SubApp 'every' event triggers like crazy after a pause
- Quick backdrop mosaic draw issue
- MoveIt crash
- Fixed filtering setting (resampling) on objects with the quality setting not always working
- Backdrop sprite ordering bug
- Game Center crashes in several conditions when sending and receiving data
- Flickering screen during pauses
- Possible crash when app goes to the background if the game is graphically complex (slow FPS)
- iOS Buttons not changing text properly
- Excessive CPU usage of the Date & Time object
- Button object : change text had no effect
- Animations didn't sometimes end properly during lag/low framerate scenarios causing problems in games relying on the current animation frame
- String object was cuting long words, resulting in Chinese or Japanese words being half displayed
- Ini object : data was incorectly written in Unicode applications, and could cause a crash when read back.
- Unicode : actions containing a string were not read correctly, and sometimes crashed the runtime
- Optimized the core comparison conditions and expression evaluation. Complex games with many events should now run better.
- Optimized speed of hidden string objects
- Optimized counter object performance by 300%
- Optimized "mosaic" Quick Backdrop drawing
- Less memory consumption during image loading
- Faster loading of certain image resources (like Active Picture)
- Crash in movements that did not properly set the direction of objects in the 0..31 range. (like Pinball movement)
- Animations didn't sometimes end properly during lag/low framerate scenarios causing problems in games relying on the current animation frame
- Sounds not working when played from subapps
- iAD rotation problem (log error message)
- Array object crash when handling global arrays in combination with 'save' and 'load' array from file actions.
- Clickteam Movement Controller crash in 'set object' action if the object doesn't exist at the time of the call.
- Subtract INK-effect didn't use the alpha-coefficient
- All graphics now use nearest neighbor image filtering (pixelated) unless otherwise is stated when you set the quality value in 'set scale' or 'set angle' actions.
- Active Picture now no longer pauses the game while downloading an image from an URL. Note: The image name expression will keep returning the old image name until the new image has successfully been downloaded.
- Joystick images and buttons could have their transparency messed up. This was caused by a buggy XCode setting (Compress PNG images)
- Small memory leak in Game Center 'get category' expression
- Memory leak in sounds caused the application to quit abruptly after running for several minutes
- Game Center Leaderboard object : "Category" has been replaced by "Identifier". Documentation changes to reflect that. (tu as les sources deja)
- Background objects (like Active Background) in a scrolling game were incorrectly destroyed when far from the frame, resulting in a crash later
- Unicode wasn't fully working
- Retained mask bug during low memory scenarios
- The default build type should now be 'Release' instead of 'Debug' for better speeds when users test their games
- Crash in applications with missing objects when the "Display build warning messages" option was unselected
- Game Center has been reported by several users to work correctly when submitted to Apple. Seems to be a bug in the Sandbox mode.
- iOS applications created with the unicode version of MMF2 did not work.
- Unicode characters were read wrong (sometimes not even creating objects correctly)
- crash when adding backdrops (also fixes incorrect collision detection with added backdrops in scrolling games)
- memory leak when using scaled and/or rotated sprites in collisions
- UI controls could appear outside the main game window (in the black borders on iPad).
- sometimes UI elements would rotate when they were not supposed to.
- General positioning bug of some objects when using negative values (including joystick).
- the "Display status line" property had no effect.
- clicking in a subapp now only triggers the 'On click' event in the subapp itself.
- strange artifacts on objects of size 1x1 (bug in iPad2/iPhone4S chip).
- image loading has been optimized for when the images are power-of-two sized.
- iOSVideo object : new object, allows you to play video files in your application.
- Button object : "Hide on start" property was not taken into account.
- Hiscore object: crash in 'Reset' action (in later score inserts).
- List object: bug in LastIndex expression.
- List object: "Change Line" action didn't work on the last line in the list.
- Stretch 2 Transition : had flickering and left trails.
- Active Picture : could not load resources from subdirectories in the resources folder.
- Active Picture : the 'Load picture from selector' action didn't work. It now uses the iOS camera roll image selector.
- Camera object : The camera dialog might not close until a second button is pressed.
- Date and Time object : New Second/Minute/Hour/Day/Month/Year conditions didn't trigger.
- Get object: now escapes the entire URL before 'GET'ing
- Button object : crash when setting text or colors.
- Button object : crash when destroyed or changed frame.
- Button object : bitmap buttons no longer have white background.
- Easing object : bounce mode would look wrong using other amplitude values.

2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
jeudi 15 novembre 2012 à 21:43
La Bêta 36 (4em bêta après la RC) du plugin XNA est sortie dans le forum "privé" du site anglais. Elle intègre la bêta 256.
- Windows phone and XBOX : Compilation error in String Parser object
- Japanese version: the new Presence actions/expressions have been translated in the XNA Gamer Services object[/quote]
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
jeudi 13 décembre 2012 à 19:17
Sortie du patch 256.30 en officiel.
1er post mise à jour et j'ai gardé que les deux derniers patchs !

Je r'appelle que les patchs sont des liens directes sur le serveur de la click team donc des patchs "sécurisés".
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
lundi 24 décembre 2012 à 21:02
Le patch 256.33  est mise à disposition dans le forum privé. Au programme la bêta 8 de l'io et un Fix pour la version pc.
[quote]Quick update: beta patch 256.33 now contains iOS beta 8 and PC runtime fix (Japanese IME fix was causing crashes).[/quote]

2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
lundi 31 décembre 2012 à 18:19
La builde 256.34 pour MMF est disponible.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
vendredi 4 janvier 2013 à 11:55
Voila, la 256.34 est devenu officiel pour le patch (256).  Pardon pour le mail trompeur de la dernière fois.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
vendredi 11 janvier 2013 à 10:41
Le patch bêta 257 est publié. Valable seulement pour les personnes qui sont en bêta test du HTML5. (Build #10)
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
samedi 19 janvier 2013 à 12:25
Bêta 257.1
(Patch 256 + beta 11 HTML5)
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mercredi 13 février 2013 à 09:02
La Build 257.2 Beta est disponible sur le forum officiel.

[quote]- MMF2/MMF2 Dev (build 257.2)
- SWF exporter (build 256)
- iOS exporter (build 256)
- Android exporter (RC 4)
- XNA exporter (build 256)
- HTML5 exporter (beta 12)
- Unicode version (build 257.2)[/quote]
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
jeudi 14 février 2013 à 08:38
LA 257.3 est sortie xd .
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
samedi 23 février 2013 à 18:00
Le bêta 257.4 est disponible.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
vendredi 8 mars 2013 à 10:34
Le Version 257.7 est la

[quote]- Path movement editor: crash when you want to set pause or speed for the first node of a single line.
- PC runtime (Direct3D): incorrect image or crash when you use shaders that use images, go to another frame and come back.
- PC runtime: Collision With Box was ignored on layers greater than 1 unless Handle Background Collisions Out of Window was selected.
- PC runtime: when you modify the font of text counters at runtime, it's sometimes incorrectly modified.

2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 19 mars 2013 à 21:39
MMF2 Build 257.8 - Beta est la.

- MMF2/MMF2 Dev (build 257.8)
- SWF exporter (build 256)
- iOS exporter (build 257.6)
- Android exporter (RC 7)
- XNA exporter (build 256)
- HTML5 exporter (beta 14)
- Unicode version (build 257.8)
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 19 mars 2013 à 22:46
Ok donc on passe en bêta 257.9 xd
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 26 mars 2013 à 17:19
Patch Beta 257.10
Nouveau patch pour XNA.
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