
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.

414 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 18 mars 2014 à 17:58
j'ai un vilain bug, les objets actifs coller en décore non bloquant deviennent des décores bloquant avec le module android  :-\
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 18 mars 2014 à 18:29
Ba il faut remonter le bug.
414 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 18 mars 2014 à 20:39
ba c'est fait ....  ;D
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 8 avril 2014 à 22:52
Nouvelle bêta pour Android.

[quote]Beta 281.3.03
-. New way to obtain OpenGL Context that is compatible with all devices.
-. LeadBolt: updated with the new libs.
-. CreateByName will not crash if the object does not exist.
-. SpaceShip actions from Movement controller object now works as intended.
-. Pause application remaining paused even after return from background until "tap on screen".
-. EditBox, cut and paste now works in multi and single line setting.
-. Infinite Scrolling now works even when reach limit of 32767.[/quote]
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 8 avril 2014 à 23:00
Hier c'était le patch bêta pour Ios.

[quote]- Various physics and movement crashes fixed
- Fixed some compile-errors after updating XCode: ScreenZoom and ArrayList compile errors.
- Several layer scroll fix when using scroll coefficients
- 'Follow frame' property didn't work on layers with 0 as scroll coefficient
- Edit box + iOS Single line edit box: Went out of the screen when tapping them if the screen was scrolled
- iAD: Fixed iAD placement on the screen
- Effects: Fixed setting monochrome effect at runtime using the non-compatibility effect selector
- Transitions: Some objects would render incorrectly during another object's fade-in/out transition.
- Button object: Fixed button images getting a blue overlay
- Button object: Setting font color didn't work correctly
- Button object: Bug that caused the button not to respond
- Button object: Enable/disable didn't work properly and didn't respec the initial enabled state
- Sub-Applications didn't scroll properly in the host frame
- Quick Backdrop: tiled backdrops sometimes didn't work when using certain image sizes
- Array Object: Didn't load unicode files properly
- Added backdrops didn't always have the correct position and/or disappeared at the wrong time when scrolling
- Timer: Interlaced timer events did not work
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
vendredi 11 avril 2014 à 10:08
Nouveau patch bêta pou Android.
Beta 281.3.04
-. Pause application remaining paused even after return from background until "tap on screen". or screen is off.
-. Reverted infinite scroll to original code to be compatible with flash and iOS. (important)
-. Better perfomance when creating object for non physics objects.
2427 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
mercredi 7 mai 2014 à 11:35
Nouveau patch android stable beta

Beta 281.3.06
-. Layer Object, some object not ready at start made the object crash.
-. Path Movement, some node were not displayed when speed is above 129.
-. Launch object with physics was not reproducing the correct movement.
-. If Sound is not reachable get the position will bring -1, if not playing or available 0.
-. Fontmetric added underline to String, ASB, BSB, Button.


ps (ça fait la deux foix que je telecharge les version beta fait par  FVivolo que mon anti virus detecte un vers)
mercredi 7 mai 2014 à 14:26
Mon antivirus McAfee, qui est parano avec le html5 de Clickteam, n'a cette fois si rien remarqué
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
jeudi 22 mai 2014 à 07:16
Nouvelle bêta pour android. Une nouvelle extension,  Android Font Packer pour la version dev.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
dimanche 22 juin 2014 à 08:22
Le patch Bêta 281.4 en Pre Release est disponible.
Pour le télécharger, vous devez aller dans l'onglet Community Passport du forum officiel.
dimanche 22 juin 2014 à 11:10

j'ai vu que quelqu'un avait des soucis avec cette version Bêta  :-\

par ailleurs, la version Free est annoncée pour bientôt  ::)

page tutoriels "alimentée" - seulement sur le site US -
mais je me demande s'ils n'existaient pas déjà

2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
vendredi 27 juin 2014 à 06:01
Le patch bêta 281.7 est sortie.

- Editor: links in the welcome page are now opened in the default browser.
- Editor: Fix in new All Boxed Up tutorial
- Editor: FGL Html5 object didn't appear in the object list on some machines
- Editor: FGL Flash object caused compilation errors
- Editor / Android: an old version of the Android object was installed by the previous beta versions, causing crashes in the event editor
- Editor / SWF: Mochiads options have been removed and the 'Use Mochiads' option is automatically unchecked when you load a MFA.
- Android: new fix in accelerometer
664 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
samedi 28 juin 2014 à 12:11
Le patch met à jour tous les modules ou il faut télécharger un patch par module (flash, ios, html5...)
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
samedi 28 juin 2014 à 13:20
Il met à jour tous les modules.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
dimanche 6 juillet 2014 à 08:56
Le patch 282.0 est en pré release. Cela va être très certainement le future patch. Il apporte par apport à la bêta 281.9 :
Correction de crash sur la version steam avec la selection de Windows Explorer tool.
Correction d'un crash quand on convertie un projet mmf1
Et l'intégration de l'objet Xbox Gamepad qui à la base était disponible seulement avec le module XNA.
lundi 14 juillet 2014 à 11:30

Patch de mise à jour pour Fusion 2.5 > version Build R282.0
par contre, je ne vois pas où se "niche" la mise à jour téléchargée dans Windows

sinon, liens fournis sur cette page - -

a+ Dany
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mercredi 16 juillet 2014 à 07:07
FVivolo nous fait une mise à jour du plugin Android. Build 282.1
- AndroidPlus: Added Start Sleep process in X secs.
- AndroidPlus: Added Inject key.
- AndroidPlus: Added Flashlight ON/OFF. (please test in all devices you can)
- AndroidPlus: Added Start External Apk.
- OUYA: Reset controller when returning from pause.
- OUYA: Games when return from "System Menu" now restart correctly.
- OUYA: Added analog buttons L2 and R2 as expressions in the object.
- Multitouch: some changes made in the code for newer API.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
samedi 19 juillet 2014 à 08:08
Bêta 281.1 pour Fusion.
Build 282.1 - Change log
- Event editor: when you display the names of the alterable values/strings for a qualifier, it now displays the names of the alterable values/strings of the real objects (if these names are identical for all the objects). Same thing for the user animations.
- Windows runtime: you can now have an unlimited number of alterable values at runtime via indexes (named values are still limited to 26). We'll port this feature to other runtimes in a future build.
- Layer Object (Windows): "Always sort by Y position" crashes if there is a Physics Particle object in the frame
- Dialog Box object (Windows): corrupted names when you paste controls
- Event editor: incorrect message when you search for an object and it's not found.
- Event editor: F3 didn't work when you search for objects.
- Translations weren't handled in movement extensions at runtime (causing non translated messages to be displayed by physical movements when there was no Physics Engine object in the frame)
- Help missing in non-physics movement extensions
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
samedi 26 juillet 2014 à 08:42
Le patch 282.3 est un patch officiel !

Build 282.3 - Change log
- Preferences: the new "D3D by default in new applications" option in the preferences was unchecked by default, it's fixed.
- Event editor: when you display the names of the alterable values/strings for a qualifier, it now displays the names of the alterable values/strings of the real objects if these names are identical for all the objects. Same thing for the user animations.
- Event editor: incorrect message when you search for an object and it's not found.
- Event editor: F3 didn't work when you search for objects.
- Help missing in non-physics movement extensions
- Help: you can now search for double-byte characters in Japanese help
- Translations weren't handled in movement extensions at runtime (causing non translated messages to be displayed by physical movements when there was no Physics Engine object in the frame)
- Windows runtime: you can now have an unlimited number of alterable values at runtime via indexes (named values are still limited to 26). We'll port this feature to other runtimes in a future build. Note: alterable strings are still limited to 10, this will be changed in a future build too. Also the title of the expression editor still says "Please enter an index between 0 and 25", this will be fixed.
- Layer Object (Windows): "Always sort by Y position" crashes if there is a Physics Particle object in the frame
- Dialog Box object (Windows): corrupted names when you paste controls
- Physics Fan / Magnet / TreadMill objects (Windows and HTML5 runtimes): fix in Get Height expression (will be fixed in other runtimes in the next update)
- HTML5 object: Read Cookie expression was broken in the expression editor
- HTML5: some sounds were not played even if their format was supported by the browser
- HTML5: the application was stuck in the preloader when a sound was not compatible with the browser
- HTML5: new option in the preferences: "Build mp3 sounds instead of m4a sounds if lame_enc.dll is installed in data\runtime\flash".
  If this option is selected (default), and lame_enc.dll is installed in data\runtime\flash,
  then CF 2.5 builds MP3 sound files instead of M4A files when you build the HTML5 application. This is recommended
  if you want your app to work on machines where M4A sounds are not supported, like iPads. lame_enc.dll is installed
  by the Flash exporter of CF 2.5. If you haven't this exporter you can find it on the Internet, as it's used
  by other programs like Audacity.
- Hi-Score object (HTML5 runtime): application freezes when you click Cancel when prompted for your name
- iOS Store object: On payment canceled/failed conditions should be now triggered again
2427 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
samedi 26 juillet 2014 à 12:05
il aurais metre aussi dans la mis a jour le xna et le htlm5 en version gratuit limite comme sur la version free.
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