
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.

2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
samedi 3 août 2019 à 16:21

Sortie de la version 292.11 Beta

Build 292.11 - Change log ------------------------- 2.5+ DLC - Event editor: when an object is selected in the top bar, deleting, editing or adding an action could result in useless display of parent events without children. - Event editor: immediate conditions could be added into child events via the Insert / Insert New Event command. - Profiler: Times and Events branches are now expanded by default. - All runtimes / Child events: in some cases the object selection could be wrong in child events that have child events themselves and their conditions use objects that are used in parent conditions and not in actions. All versions - UI: Fusion now saves dialog box positions relatively to the main window. - Event editor: the novement index displayed in the Select Movement action is now a 0-based number. - Event List editor: you could insert a condition in a comment line. - Effect property: Invert/Mono/Subtract effects now enabled in UWP mode. - Properties: incorrect item size on high resolution displays with larger fonts. - Random crash at build time with some apps due to a corrupted memory buffer when building behaviors in rare cases. - An empty directory could be kept in the Windows temp folder after a Build & Run of Android applications. If your %temp% folder contains empty Andxxx folders, you can delete them. - Active Backdrop object: when you edit the image list, "New Frame" didn't work if no image is selected. - Firefly Image object: incorrect position in frame editor if the image's hotspot is not in 0,0. - Physics - Particle: crash when you create particles just after the object was created. - Webview2 object: crashes on frame change in Windows version, please redownload the object from the extension manager. - All runtimes: added a protection against negative animation numbers in Force Animation - Windows runtime, Button object: "Button clicked" condition was true at the beginning of the frame when not used in first position. - Android / Fullscreen and Navigation Bar: fixes. - Android / Fullscreen and Navigation Bar: fix and/or change in Set Immersive Mode function that allows you to jump from regular theme to fullscreen. Please see post - Android / Location Object: fixed a crash at build time. - Android / String Object: performance improvements and protection against out-of-memory errors. - Android / Android Object: Screen Capture could capture incorrect colors. - Android / Active Picture Object: fix in antialiasing. - Android / Video Android Object: now compatible with immersive mode. - Android / Font Packer Object: fix in Font properties for font names that contain non-ANSI characters. If you use such fonts, please update the font properties in the object before rebuilding your application. - Android / InApp Object: protection to avoid crash when overriding request. Please always check that InApp is available and is not busy before making a request. - Android / Android Plus Object: new function to allow you to call the garbage collector to free unused memory if you need this in a specific situation. - Android / Android Plus Object: new functions to allow you to retrieve various memory information (note: you have to use the "Refresh JVM Memory Info Every ..." function before being able to call the expressions, this function starts a timer that retrieves the memory information at the time interval you specify). - Android: removed OpenGM filter to prevent applications using OpenGL 3 from being filtered in the store. Note: using OpenGL 3 now should be your best option, it will use OpenGL 3 on all compatible devices and will used OpenGL 2 on the other devices. - Android: new build.gradle that detects if you are on Windows 10 and if so will use gradle 3.4.2, else it will use gradle 3.3.2. - iOS: Mono and Stereo 8-bit WAV sounds had problem with pitch. - iOS / MultiTouch Object minor correction in End Touch, that may not be detected correctly when using as second condition in an event. - iOS / iOS Store object: decreased waiting time for receipts.
Modifié le vendredi 23 août 2019 à 15:42 par Xenon3K
2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
dimanche 1 septembre 2019 à 10:30

Sortie de la version 292.12 Beta

Build 292.12 - Change log ------------------------- 2.5+ DLC - UI: Open Folder was duplicated in various popup menus after using the Full Screen command. - Windows runtime: Pause Sample just after Play Sample didn't work if "Optimize Play Sample" was checked. - Android runtime: when Load On Call option are used, some images could be not immediately reloaded when the image comes back from background, causing issues in collisions. All versions - Event editor: in Is Overlapping dialog box you could select folders by pressing ENTER. - Event List editor: left column now larger for line numbers greater than 10000. - Mac runtime: object transitions were invisible in scrolling apps unless they are triggered in the top-left screen. - Mac runtime: when using native controls (button, edit box, etc) on OSX Mojave, the frame was hidden. - Android runtime: out of memory error when building large applications. - Android runtime: screen capture error on some devices. - Android runtime: fix in permission verification for Location object. - Android runtime: http URL issues with Get object and API #27+. - Android runtime: added library to ensure tablet compliance. - Android runtime: fixed possible cases of crashes on some devices. - Android runtime: now includes x86_64 libraries that Google now requires for 64-bit support. - Android runtime / Android object: added Show/Hide status bar, allows you to keep the status bar in immersive mode. - Android runtime / Android object: new function to switch to immersive mode (same function as the one of the Android Plus object). - Android runtime / Active Picture object: could crash or fail loading images after the app returns from the background. - Android runtime / String Parser object: optimization in case insensitive mode. - Android runtime / Webview2 object: occurence parameter described as zero-based was incorrectly decremented. - iOS runtime: object transitions were invisible in scrolling apps unless they are triggered in the top-left screen. - iOS runtime / Webview2 object: added missing condition and fixed occurence parameter like Android.
2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 9 septembre 2019 à 11:24

Sortie de la version 292.14  Release

Build 292.14 - Change log ------------------------- - UI: new texts translated to French and Japanese. - The translations of the Android object were ignored in previous versions of the build 292. - Android Build: the program now reserves more memory for Java only if the app size is greater than 200 Mb. - Android runtime: the AES Fusion object now has x86_64 libraries. Android exporter: please note that you should now use the version of Java that comes with Android Studio (instead of the Java SDK). Check if C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre exists on your machine. If so use this pathname as "Java SDK" pathname in the preferences of Fusion (General tab / Android exporter). Attention l'Exportateur Android: veuillez noter que vous devez maintenant utiliser la version de Java fournie avec Android Studio (au lieu du SDK Java).
1055 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
lundi 16 septembre 2019 à 17:00

coucou emmanuel,

J'ai enfin fait la maj 291.6 > 292.14, j'ai de grosses gouttes pour mon projet

Du coup bah, ca compile plus.

Est ce que ton tuto est toujours d'actualité ou on doit installer android studio?



Sortie de la version 292.14  Release

Build 292.14 - Change log ------------------------- - UI: new texts translated to French and Japanese. - The translations of the Android object were ignored in previous versions of the build 292. - Android Build: the program now reserves more memory for Java only if the app size is greater than 200 Mb. - Android runtime: the AES Fusion object now has x86_64 libraries. Android exporter: please note that you should now use the version of Java that comes with Android Studio (instead of the Java SDK). Check if C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre exists on your machine. If so use this pathname as "Java SDK" pathname in the preferences of Fusion (General tab / Android exporter). Attention l'Exportateur Android: veuillez noter que vous devez maintenant utiliser la version de Java fournie avec Android Studio (au lieu du SDK Java).@Emmanuel

1420 messages

lundi 16 septembre 2019 à 18:45
Ce message a été supprimé
763 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 16 septembre 2019 à 20:51

coucou emmanuel,

J'ai enfin fait la maj 291.6 > 292.14, j'ai de grosses gouttes pour mon projet

Du coup bah, ca compile plus.

Est ce que ton tuto est toujours d'actualité ou on doit installer android studio?




J'ai réussi à compiler en installant l'API 29 d'android (./sdkmanager "platforms;android-29") ainsi que cette version de Java: 

N'oublie pas de modifier les paramètres pour mettre l'API 29 et le chemin vers cette version de Java.

1055 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 17 septembre 2019 à 00:19

ok merci, je teste ca demain ;)

J'ai réussi à compiler en installant l'API 29 d'android (./sdkmanager "platforms;android-29") ainsi que cette version de Java: 

N'oublie pas de modifier les paramètres pour mettre l'API 29 et le chemin vers cette version de Java.


1055 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
mardi 17 septembre 2019 à 10:23

Hello ;)

Bon j'ai réussi à recompiler un apk ! :)
-Dernier jdk 64bit
-Installé le dernier API build 29.0.3 dans
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\SDK manager.exe
-configuré la variable JAVA_HOME dans les variables d'environnement + reboot
-utilisation du API 29 ds fusion
Et c'est reparti!

Je teste le jeu, a priori aucun pb, ouf ;)


1420 messages

mardi 17 septembre 2019 à 11:48

Voila une bonne nouvelle et merci d'avoir bien détaillé ce qu'il y a à faire!

2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
dimanche 24 novembre 2019 à 18:41

Bonsoir il y a eu deux sortie de version beta Build 292.15 et Build 292.16

Build 292.16 - Change log

- Event editors: [De-]activating lines didn't mark the application as modified.
- Android properties: you can select Android 10.0 as target.
- Android runtime: color error in Quick Backdrop object (new in build 292.15).
- iOS/Mac runtimes: flags not initialized to values defined in the editor if the object has no alterable value.
- iOS/Mac runtimes, Advanced Direction object: Get X Movement now returns a floating point value.

Build 292.15 - Change log

2.5+ DLC

- Frame properties, Touch Joystick, new D-Pad option: when this option is checked the joystick is displayed and handled like a d-pad. New images are added to the joystick images.
- App properties, new "Event order" option: allows you to define if global events and/or behaviors have to be executed before frame events.
- App properties, new "Alterable values for counters and strings" option: allows you to use alterable values, strings and flags in counter and string objects. Note: this option is OFF by default, to avoid beginners to be confused between alterable strings and the String object's alterable string, for example.
- App and object properties for Android & iOS runtimes, new "JPEG compression" option in Image Compression values: allows you to compress object images in JPEG format (note: opaque images only, as transparency is lost with this compression). This usually allows to reduce the size of the application.
- Events: the Choose Sound dialog box now contains a "Use expression" button. This allows you to specify the sound name via an expression. Implemented in all runtimes. Note: be careful, the sounds still need to be referenced somewhere in at least one action or condition with a non-expression parameter, otherwise they are automatically removed from the MFA.
- Events: new "Break" action for child events, that allows you to exit the current child event and continue to the next event after the parent event.
- Find All: a new Qualifiers option allows you to find all objects with a qualifier.
- Data Element editor: new "Convert to OGG/MP3" options in the Sound tab. Directly convert sounds in the sound bank of the application.
- Build / child events: when all the actions of a parent event are not compatible with the target platform, the parent condition and its children were incorrectly removed.
- Windows runtime: the Preload Sample File action was broken.
- Windows runtime: screen not centered in some cases in D3D11 full screen mode (note: it's still the same fake full screen mode as previous builds, the resolution is not modified).

All versions

- Properties: better mouse wheel support.
- Effect property: you couldn't reset a missing effect unless you first set it to another valid effect.
- Frame editor: random crash when you drop several graphic files and select "Assign this type to further imported objects".
- Frame editor: when you copy objects, sounds used in the frame were also copied to the clipboard, slowing down the operation.
- Frame editor / Create Object: when you add a Create New object action, and the frame editor is zoomed out, and you click on an object in the frame, the X and Y values could be incorrectly rounded to values different from 0.
- Frame editor: the Paint Mode tool has been added to the Edit menu so that you can change its keyboard shortcut in Toolbar Settings ('T' by default).
- Event editor: you could create qualifier objects if the qualifier was in a folder.
- Event editor: object list corruption if the frame contains more than 2000 unique active objects. This limit has been increased to 30,000.
- Jump to frame: when using an expression the parameter was incorrectly described as 0-based.
- Run apps from editor: Fusion now remembers on which monitor the last application was executed.
- Android runtime: updated to new version of Gradle.
- Android runtime: font size is more precise.
- Android runtime: Get Sample Volume / Duration / Pan expressions now work on Android.
- Android runtime: fixed rare crashes when setting volume.
- Android runtime: fixed issues with Vibrate permission on some devices.
- Android runtime, Active Picture object: fixes (images not reloaded when app going back from background).
- Android runtime, CalcRect object: now returns correct values for width and height.
- Android runtime, ComboBox object: fixed height.
- Android runtime, Edit object: now returns correct width and height.
- Android runtime, InApp Purchase object: added protection for special cases.
- Android runtime, Location object: fixed wrong permission verification and added protection for special cases.
- Android runtime, Quick Backdrop object: borders are now displayed.
- Android runtime, String Parser object: fixed a crash.
- Android runtime, System Box and List objects: crash when destroying not fully created objects.
- iOS/Mac runtimes, new "Build number" property: this value is saved to the Build property in the iOS/Mac project (instead of the Bundle version).
- iOS/Mac runtimes: new Video at start / ready / ended conditions.
- iOS runtime, new "Convert OGG sounds to MP3 at build time" property: if this option is selected, OGG sounds are converted to MP3 at build time (instead of WAV). Note: be careful with looping sounds, converting sounds to MP3 may cause a small blank at the beginning.
- iOS runtime, Edit object: detection of external keyboards.
- iOS runtime, iOS Store object: sandbox mode now allowed.
- iOS runtime, Get object: incorrect behavior after error.
- iOS runtime, List object: incorrect background color.
- iOS runtime, Webview2 object: updated with new API.
- iOS runtime, sounds: Pan can now be retrieved and modified.
- iOS/Mac/Android runtimes, IFF object: fix in comparison of 2 integer values.
- Mac runtime: Delete and Backspace keys didn't trigger Upon Key Pressed events.
- Mac runtime: WebView2 object is now supported.
- HTML5 runtime / List Box object: the UI element is no longer created when the "Hide on start" property is selected. This allows you to use internal lists without UI at all.
- HTML5 runtime: touch joystick didn't work correctly unless a Multiple Touch object was inserted in the application.
- HTML5 runtime: bug in Set Layer X/Y Position actions.
- HTML5 runtime / Clickteam Movement Controller object: protected Set Object action against null objects.
- HTML5 runtime: Is Sample Playing is now true when the sample is paused, like the other platforms.
- UWP runtime: bug in some of the Set Layer X/Y Position actions.
- UWP runtime / Clickteam Movement Controller object: protected Set Object action against null objects.
- Windows MP3 sound filter: some rare MP3 files didn't work.
- Windows Runtime / Window Shape object: uses less memory when calculating shapes from active objects.
- All runtimes: in "Collide With" events, object selection was incorrect when using qualifiers.

Note: this version has a hidden feature that allows you to replace the name of a MFX file by another one in a MFA, for the case a developer has made a new version of an extension but used a different filename, for any reason. We developed this feature for internal use, but if you need it for some reason, you can do this:
1. create a text file in the folder of your yourapp.mfa file and name it "yourapp.mfacfg"
2. edit it and add this:

newtitle=New Extension

oldExtensionName.mfx is the name of the MFX file you want to be replaced by newExtensionName.mfx.
newTitle is the new title of the extension (could be just internal, or used just in the About box of the object, I don't remember)

When you load yourapp.mfa, Fusion will load newExtensionName.mfx instead of oldExtensionName.mfx. And then the next time you save your MFA, it will refer to newExtensionName.mfx and you can remove the .mfacfg file.

2784 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 25 novembre 2019 à 10:28

"Event editor: object list corruption if the frame contains more than 2000 unique active objects. This limit has been increased to 30,000." Youpi :) :) :)

763 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 25 novembre 2019 à 10:34

L'action "Break" peut améliorer les perf d'une application, j'ai parfois un "Is overlapping OBJECT" puis la même condition en négatif si la première est juste pas besoin de tester la deuxième :)

2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 28 novembre 2019 à 10:59

Bonjour sortie de la version Build 292.17 regle le problème de la compilation en AAb et le probleme des  événements parents contiennent une action Break.

Build 292.17 - Change log

2.5+ DLC

- Child events are no longer executed if the direct actions of the parent events contain a Break action.

All versions

- Android build: error message when building AAB files (new in build 292.15 & 292.16).
- All runtimes: problem in OR conditions due to other changes.
- iOS/Mac runtimes: Build and Version numbers were exchanged.
- iOS/Mac runtimes: error in collision detection on the left side of backdrop objects in box collision mode on layers greater than 1.
- Mac runtime: Hide / Show Mouse Pointer actions are now enabled.
- Windows runtime: the font of text objects is now restored to its original value when you load a frame position. If the font had been modified, you'll need to change it again after loading the frame position. We'll try to save modified font settings in a next update.
2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
samedi 30 novembre 2019 à 15:28

Bonjour sortie de la 292.18 (pre-release)

Build 292.18 - Change log

2.5+ DLC

- Child events: Break action not taken into account in a child event that contains a Start Loop action and the parent contains a OR condition.

All versions

- Android runtime, Android Plus object: new Set Color and Alpha action (status bar).
- Android runtime, Android Plus object: Battery Optimization permission dialog is now displayed when you use the Ignore Battery Optimization action and battery optimization is active.
- iOS runtime: crash on some devices in sound initialization (in build 292.15 to 292.17).
- iOS runtime: the "Smooth Resizing" option is now taken into account in resized sub-apps.
- MacOS runtime: the "Anti-aliased when resizing" option is now taken into account in resized sub-apps.
2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 16 décembre 2019 à 10:53

Pendant les problème que j avais avec internet et sortie la version Build 292.19 (pre-release).

Build 292.19 - Change log

2.5+ DLC

- Data Elements editor: new Convert to 16-bit 44 kHz WAV option in the Convert menu in the Sound tab.
- Windows runtime: Send to Debugger / Clear debugger output now work from sub-applications.

All versions

- UI: display glitches in icon lists (e.g. object qualifiers) in properties when using big text size or scaling in Windows settings.
- UI: random crash after editing qualifiers when using big text size or scaling in Windows settings.
- Data Elements editor: the sound info are now displayed as in the Choose Sound dialog box.
- HTML5 runtime: build error in Final mode.
- HTML5 runtime: bug in SetCurrent File action.
- HTML5 runtime: fixed seams between image patterns in several cases.
- HTML5 runtime, HTML5 object: Is Preloader didn't work.
- HTML5 runtime, HTML5 object: Frame Preloader fixes.
- HTML5 runtime, free version: the splash screen was messed up.
- HTML5 runtime: possible crash when setting an alterable string at index just above the number of defined strings.
- Android runtime: crash in backdrops created at runtime with an opaque image, due to an optimization in the build 292.15.
- Android runtime: slow image loading in Active Picture (new in build 292.15).
- Mac runtime: keyboard events broken in sub-apps.

2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 16 décembre 2019 à 10:55

Sortie de la version Build 292.20 (release candidate)

Build 292.20 - Change log

- Android: too much memory was used at build time.
- Android runtime: problem in background collisions with opaque images due to an optimization in the build 292.15.
2435 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 19 décembre 2019 à 00:20

Sortie rapidement de deux Build consécutive  292.21 et 292.22

Build 292.22 - Change log

- Android runtime: bug in HiScore object, new in latest betas.
- Android runtime: bug in object selection in "Pick object by value" condition.

Build 292.21 - Change log

- Windows stand-alone applications created with the builds 292.17/.18/.19/.20 were triggering false positives with some anti-virus programs. 

763 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 19 décembre 2019 à 14:32

Pauvre Yves, à chaque fois qu'il pense que c'est la dernière version avant la sortie officielle quelqu'un trouve un autre problème...

1420 messages

jeudi 19 décembre 2019 à 19:44

oui, le .20 est sorti pour resoudre mon probleme et je trouve que yves est extremement reactif et efficace, en plus il m'a tenu au courant de l'évolution et je trouve ça hyper cool.

1055 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
vendredi 20 décembre 2019 à 19:53

oui c'est clair! y a une belle réactivité!

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