rewarded videos par Admob, le fait de ne plus avoir besoin de cocher "Jeux enregistrés" dans la console Android quand on utilise GPG sans la fonction Cloud, et la possibilité de proposer un "rate application" avec iOS Plus, même si on pouvait faire un lien sur le fiche AppStore du jeu.
Plus qu'à attendre la version release.
New "Use high performance GPU" (in the Windows properties of the application) for stand-alone applications (no effect when you run the application from CF 2.5). When this option is selected, if you run your stand-alone app on a machine with 2 graphic cards (for example laptops using both a standard Intel HD card and a NVidia/ATI dedicated card), in theory your application will use the GPU that has the better performance. If this option is not selected, the graphic driver may decide to use the default GPU, this can cause performance issues for big applications.
- Better memory handling for applications that use lot of video RAM.
- In frames with lots of objects, the memory used by the initialisation of the event engine at start of frame could be high.
- Memory leak in Mosaic transition.
- Crash at runtime if an Android object is used in a sub-application.
- Active object: the Force Animation Frame action is now protected against invalid frame numbers.
- Active object: images could be swapped in some cases after executing a Load image into animation frame action and then jumping to a frame with the same object.
- Active Picture object: protection against long filenames.
- Datagrid object: now correctly resized when the "resize display to fill window size" option is selected.
- Datagrid object: Load Ascii and Save Ascii now support the input/output character encoding options of the application.
- Edit box object: refresh issue in scrolling apps when other controls are used in the same frame.
- Get object (and any object triggering events from multiple threads): triggered events could cause a crash if the object is in a sub-application.
- Get object: crash if you use the Set Timeout function and exit the frame before the specified time.
- INI object: couldn't write to INI file after loading a frame position.
- Layer object: crash in Get Level expression when the frame contains a Rope and Chain object.
- Layer object: active objects misplaced after Set X/Y Coefficient actions.
- Physics Particle: For Each Particle action could corrupt memory.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: crash when you close the application if a Rope and Chain object was created and the application was paused at the same time.
- Sub-app object: the mouse cursor is no longer shown when you pause the sub-application (unless it contains an object with a mouse movement).
- Window control object: content window not centered after you use the Set Frame Window Height function.
All runtimes
- Physics Rope And Chain object: position of elements not updated when the engine is paused.
All non-Windows runtimes
- Static movement: collisions weren't updated at the end of an animation, causing a delay for some collisions.
Android runtime
- You can now select API's 26 and 27 as target APIs.
- New version of Google Play Lib, 11.0.2
- AdMob object: now supports rewarded videos
- Admob object: protection to avoid a crash when you do not set the campaign ID and request for an Ads.
- AndroidPlus: now supports toast messages and expressions to get action bar height and color.
- Active/Background System Box objects: now support multi/single line and ellipsis options.
- Improved sound routines for new devices.
- Date and Time object: Compare to time is now working correctly at start.
- Android Object: new functions to handle and detect Game controllers
- Android Object: new functions to disable and enable main menu, allows to prevent menu shortcut from being triggered by controllers.
- Android Object: re-coded phone ID to avoid crash on some devices.
- Android object: rooted device detection was updated to new ways of rooting (thanks StingRay).
- Android OBB object: may fail on some devices if write/read permission are not set.
- Charboost Object: updated to SDK v7.01
- Edit Object: better size.
- File Object: protection when directory does not exist.
- GPG object: from the build 291 you no longer need to have "save game" set in game services to make the GPG object to work. Use it only when you use the cloud object and really need to save information.
- GPG Connect object: new Disable GPG autoconnect function.
- InApp Android object: fixed purchase product error (
- InputType object: new actions for a better control of type of keyboard and IME, see help of this object. Note: both keyboard type and IME options must be defined if you use these new actions.
- Leadbolt Object: updated to SDK 8.3
- Lives object: no negative lives allowed anymore.
- Microphone Object: was recoded to handle correctly events during process (available in Clickstore).
- Multiple Touch object: nopw remembers the last touch even after you release it (
- Video Android object: new condition "On Video Prepared", triggered when there is enough data to start playing (do not confuse this with "On Video at start").
- The Android runtime now works on NVIDIA SHIELD and regular devices with the Android Controller object available in Clickstore.
- Supports extensions with space characters in their names.
iOS runtime
- Conflict between scrolling actions and other actions that refresh the screen like Set Frame Background Color.
- Active objects out of the window could be incorrectly deactivated in some cases.
- AdMob object: now supports rewarded videos, please use the latest iOS SDK.
- Admob object: protection to avoid a crash when you do not set the campaign ID and request for an Ads.
- Edit Box object: Set focus now works correctly.
- Game Center Multiplayer objet: new action "Leave match".
- Game Center Leaderboard objet: new expression to get the local player high score.
- Get Object: added detection of non server connection due to hardware in device.
- iOS Plus object: new Rate application action (available in Clickstore)
- iOS Store object: fixed a comparison that caused issues (,
- iOS Store object: changed the transaction identifier to store receipt as suggested by AppStore Validating Receipts
- Layer object: objects cut off or disappearing when you move a layer.
- List object: Get Line Data didn't work correctly.
- Multiple Touch object: hot spot not taken into account for extensions.
- SubApp object: "Stretch frame to object size" didn't work correctly (
- SubApp object: incorrect position during scrollings (
- Webview object: was not hidden/shown when used in a sub-application, also fixed optical zoom and improvement in Get Text from ID and Classes.
HTML5 runtime
- HTML5 apps using mosaic images per frame: the build process should be faster and the generated HTML5 app should be smaller.
- Bouncing Ball movement: problem with coordinates less than zero (this problem is caused by a fix made in the build 290).
- "Anti-aliasing when resizing" ignored in preloader frames.
- Combobox and List objects: Get Line Data now returns a number instead of a string.
- Combo Box object: Insert function broken.
- Get Object: added missing timeout feature.
- HTML5 Video object: Set Volume not working.
- INI object: UTF-8 option not correctly managed.
- List object: Find String was case sensitive unlike the Windows runtime and Find String Exact didn't work unless the parameter string was lower case.
- List object: Get Text now returns simple text instead of HTML text.
- Multiple Touch object: didn't work with Microsoft Edge.
- Subapp object: "modal" option not handled.
- System Box objects: crash when using the container / attach to container options.
- The "iOS: wait for a touch to enable sounds" option was ignored, i.e. the text was always displayed on iOS devices. If you unselect this option, the text is not displayed anymore, but you have to either tell users they have to touch the screen, or force them to do so before your app plays sounds. Sounds are enabled in both cases as soon as the user touches the screen.
- Chrome policy change: sounds are now disabled by default and can be enabled only from a user gesture. In this build sounds are automatically enabled when the user clicks in the frame, or clicks a button. In your applications, you'll have to either add a button to "do something" (like go to the next frame), or add a text that says "Please click to hear sounds". Note: Chrome has semi-canceled this new policy but it will be back at some point.
UWP runtime
- New XboxConnect object: allows you to connect your app to Xbox Live for Xbox app submissions.
- UWP apps using mosaic images per frame: the build process should be faster and the generated UWP app should be smaller.
- Bouncing Ball movement: problem with coordinates less than zero (this problem is caused by a fix made in the build 290).
- Combo Box object: Insert function broken.
- Combobox and List objects: Get Line Data now returns a number instead of a string.
- List object: Find String was case sensitive unlike the Windows runtime and Find String Exact didn't work unless the parameter string was lower case.
- List object: Get Text now returns simple text instead of HTML text.
- List object: Get Line Data didn't work unless the list was hidden.
- HTML5 Video object: Set Volume not working.
- Quick Backdrop object: random black lines between tiles when the window is resized.
- Subapp object: "modal" option not handled.
- System Box objects: crash when using the container / attach to container options.
- Xbox Gamepad: on Xbox One, button B was causing the application to quit.
- Xbox Gamepad: not working in sub-apps.
SWF runtime
- Object positions messed up when you scroll more than 32768 pixels.
- Get Object: added missing timeout feature.
Mac runtime
- "No thick frame" option not correctly handled.
- Is Channel Playing / Paused didn't work for channel #1.
- Crash with Ogg sounds.
- Active objects out of the window could be incorrectly deactivated in some cases.
- Conflict between scrolling actions and other actions that refresh the screen like Set Frame Background Color.
- ComboBox and List objects: enable/disable didn't work.
- ComboBox and List objects: incorrect current line index if no selection
- ComboBox and List objects: Set Current Line didn't work correctly with negative indexes.
- ComboBox and List objects: FindString didn't work correctly with an empty string.
- ComboBox and List objects: Get Line Data didn't work correctly.
- Layer object: objects cut off or disappearing when you move a layer.
- Sub-app object: problem with "stretch" option.
- Window control object: crash in some cases with sub-apps.
Bonjour Sortie de la version Build 292.8 Beta
réglé surtout le problème avec l Android pour réparer un crash du moteur graphique sous Android Pie. Indiquez-nous si cela a des effets secondaires sur vos applications (en particulier lorsqu'il se ferme, se met en arrière-plan et / ou est restauré).
Sortie de la version Beta Build 292.9
Build 292.9 - Change log ------------------------ 2.5+ DLC - App properties: the base frame no longer changes when you insert or delete frames. - Event editor: you cannot move a group that contains an immediate condition to an event line that contains child events anymore, this was incorrectly allowed if the group had a line number lower than the target line number. - Event editor: triggered conditions now disabled in child events for extensions. - Event editor: the object selection could be wrong sometimes in child events that come after other child events that have children themselves. All versions - Build: some sound expressions could be removed from the source code of generated applications (UWP, HTML5). - Event editor: in global events and behaviors, when you click the Import Object column to add an action to a hidden object, the object was not removed from the list of objects to import, causing crashes later if you try to import this object again. - Event editor: left column now larger for line numbers greater than 10000. - Event editor: crash when you open an action editor, activate another application and close the action editor (in non-zoomed mode). - Storyboard editor: crash when you open a frame editor from the workspace toolbar, and then open the storyboard editor without giving focus to the frame editor, and delete the frame. - Picture editor: "Import as animation" has been implemented for image lists like counters. - Picture editor: minor memory leak in "Import as animation". - Windows runtime: the "On files dropped" condition now works even if the application is executed with administrator rights, except on Windows Vista. - Windows runtime: String object, "Use calculation" didn't work in Display Text and Flash Text actions for the paragraph number. - Windows/iOS/OSX runtimes: Optimize Events could cause an issue in some cases in events that contain 3 "compare alt value" lines and the second one and/or 3rd one compare floating point values. - iOS runtime: removed deprecated multitasking info from info.plist (and removed the associated property in the iOS options). - iOS runtime: the same sound couldn't be used on two different channels. - iOS runtime: gap when looping sounds. - UWP runtime: compilation issue in XboxGamepad object. - Android Admob/ChartBoost/Calendar Entry/Leadbolt objects: fix in manifest file modification at build time. - Android runtime: some issues on old devices using API 4.x. - Android runtime: fix for navigation bar. - Android runtime: memory leak when strings were resized and garbage collection in low memory condition. - Android runtime: garbage collection is now forced when a frame starts. - Android runtime: fix crash when playing a sound file that doesn't exist. - Android runtime: animations couldn't reach speed 100. - Android runtime: uses newer gradle tools. - Android Active System Box object: better pattern display. - Android Video object: takes user status bar setting into account. - Android Location object: fix possible crash in some situations. - Android InApp Purchase object: fix old issue when subscription failed. - Android InApp Purchase object: subscription now pauses the runtime.Sortie de la version Release 292.10
Build 292.10 - Change log ------------------------- - Event editor: in global events and behaviors, when you add a new condition for an object to import, the object was not removed from the Import tab in the expression editor of its parameters, causing a crash if you try to select it. - Android runtime: black screen issue on old devices using API 4.x. - Admob iOS: the game is now paused during video reward display. - iOS Store: if you cancel an in-app purchase, the samples are paused and not resumed.