
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
vendredi 25 septembre 2020 à 11:36

Bonjour sortie de la version Build 292.27 Beta   Certaines modifications ont également été apportées à tous les fichiers EXE, DLL et MFX du produit pour supprimer les problèmes récents de faux positifs dans quelques programmes antivirus. Ce problème devrait être résolu.

des modifications sensibles aux routines de chargement / enregistrement pour prendre en charge les fichiers MFA et EXE de plus de 2 Go (jusqu'à 4 Go). Remarque: cela ne change pas le format des fichiers MFA ou EXE. En raison de la nature des modifications, nous vous recommandons de faire des copies de sauvegarde de vos fichiers MFA avant de les charger avec cette version, comme d'habitude avec la version bêta mais peut-être un peu plus avec celle-ci. Eh bien, les changements ont été revérifiés et cette version a été testée mais on ne sait jamais.

Build 292.27 - Change log

- Editor: now supports MFA and EXE files larger than 2 GB (up to 4 GB). Due to the nature of the changes, please make backup copies of your MFA files before using this build, and report any issue you could find when you save or load MFA files, thanks!
- Editor: DirectX 11 mode, opaque images were incorrectly built, causing bigger loading times.
- Editor: MP3 conversion to OGG was truncating sounds for some non-standard (?) MP3 formats.
- All EXE/DLLs/MFX files: modified some build settings to avoid recent false detections from some anti-virus programs.
- Find All: special #global# keyword allows you to look for all global objects
- Windows runtime: restarting sub-apps no longer stops sounds of parent application.
- Windows runtime / File object: some functions didn't work with files larger than 4 GB (note: Get Length still returns an incorrect value for these files).
- Windows runtime / Download object: can now downlooad files larger than 4 GB.
- Android runtime: strings incorrectly displayed after switching app to background.
- Android runtime: possible memory leak in strings.
- Android runtime: Get Pan now returns the correct value when the sound is being played.
- Android runtime / Android object: typo in Movies folder.
- Android runtime / Android object: fixed "external storage directory" expression on some devices.
- Android runtime / Hiscore object: fixed font height.
- Android runtime / List object: fixes in minimum font height calculation and permissions.
- HTML5 runtime / Active Picture object: canceled incorrect htospot change made in build 292.26.
- iOS runtime / iOS Store object: added protections against crashes.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
mercredi 21 octobre 2020 à 12:10

Bonjour sortie de la version Build 292.28 Beta mais presque une version finale. Le principal changement a été fait pour supprimer les faux positifs récemment détectés par certains programmes anti-virus, encore une fois, car ils ne parviennent apparemment pas à le réparer pour toutes les applications. Nous avons également supprimé l'option "compresser le runtime" qui n'était plus utilisée par personne et était juste inutile (+ cela permet également d'éviter d'autres faux positifs).

dont si par malheur pendant la mis a jour votre antivirus mais en  quarantaine le fichier (lnchrt.exe) vous pouvais le supprime  ne restaurez pas le fichier de la quarantaine, il n'est plus utilisé. .
la mis a jour le supprime et votre antivirus a du l' analysé lorsque le programme l'a supprimé.

Build 292.28 - Change log

- Physics Engine: scaled image collision bug due to an optimization in the build 292.26.
- Windows build: the "Compress runtime" option has been removed, as well as the corresponding runtime files. 
- Windows build: modified the runtime to avoid other recent false detections from some anti-virus programs.
- Windows build / DX11 mode: a warning message is displayed when a font can't be embedded (because either it's not installed or it's an unsupported format). 
- Windows runtime / Array object: Load Frame Position was broken when the frame contains an Array object, due to the optimization made in the build 292.23.

1471 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 10:37

Le fichier stdrtd.exe aussi on peut le jarter ? Il fait réagir mon antivirus aussi.

763 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 11:20

Non il ne faut pas virer le stdrtd.exe c'est le runtime.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 11:20

NON le stdrtd.exe est le runtime pour les applications autonomes pour 2.5 et le scrrtex.exe et stdrtdex.exe et pour runtime 2.5+

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 11:21

scrrt.exe est le runtime pour les économiseurs d'écran Windows

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 11:24

Seyjin dont antivirus réagir quand du scanne le repetoire de fusion ou c est quand du lance un EXE ?

1471 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 11:41

C’était quand Steam a mis Fusion à jour. Il m’a mis lnchrt.exe et stdrtd.exe en quarantaine.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 12:05

pour Inchrt.exe luis du peu le supprime l autre restaure le mais je c est pas si la mis a jour de fusion a eu le temps de le mettre a non relance la mis a jour mais du désactive dont antivirus pour quelque minutes le temps que la mis jour se fasse.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
dimanche 25 octobre 2020 à 15:34

Bonjour sortie de la version Build 292.29 Beta

Build 292.29 - Change log

- Windows XP: editor and applications were no longer compatible with Windows XP because of a change in the build 292.27.
- Windows apps: the EXE info written by the Developer version (copyright, company name, version, etc) are no longer limited in size (and are not a fixed size anymore).
- Sounds: a recent change in a conversion routine (to fix MP3 conversion) could affect 8-bit or mono sound conversion at build time in the HTML5 exporter.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
samedi 12 décembre 2020 à 14:58

Bonjour Sortie de la version Build 293.1 Beta

Build 293.1 - Change log

- Find All: you can now search for NOT when you want to search for "negated" conditions.
- Find All: you can now search for all objects that support text features with the #text macro.
- Event editor: no more scrolling when  you open the editor with the Show Object Events command and the previously selected line was at the bottom of the event list.
- ActiveX object / Event editor: actions, conditions and expressions were not displayed anymore.
- Event list editor: crash in very old MFA's that contain empty comment lines.
- Windows build: major changes to reduce the risk of false positives. 
- Windows build: new "Unpacked EXE" option in the Windows property tab. If this option is selected, DLL's and extension files are copied to a Modules sub-directory (you can change the name), and the app data are saved to a .DAT file with the same name as the EXE, this may reduce a bit the risk of false positive. You can use this option if you get false positives in the future and don't need a single EXE without other files. However the best and most secure solution to avoid false positives is signing your EXE with a code signing certificate (not free), and not use this option so that your app data is signed too.
- Windows runtime: performance issue when a fast loop has several Start Loop actions.
- Windows runtime: List object now supports up to 65534 lines (it was limited to 32767 before).
- HTML5 runtime / Platform Movement object: crash in Jump Strength expression.
- Android runtime: optimization in display engine when you use a large number of objects.
- iOS/Mac runtime: backdrop objects could be shifted in physics engine if you create them from images with a hot spot.
2713 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev
Fusion 2.5+ Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5
dimanche 13 décembre 2020 à 07:30

Le soucie des antivirus est résolus ?

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
samedi 3 juillet 2021 à 11:46

Bonjour Sortie de la version Build 293.2 Beta

Build 293.2 - Change log

- MFA loading: Fusion now asks for missing effects only once per effect.
- MFA loading: Fusion now asks for missing external files only once per file.
- Animation editor: frame number now displayed in preview window title.
- Animation editor: incorrect index of looping frame after frames are deleted.
- Animation editor: RGB(0,0,0) incorrectly replaced by RGB(8,0,0) in frames > 1 when importing 256-color animations.
- Frame editor: optimization of selection display.
- Frame editor: when active or backdrop items are created from dropped files Fusion now asks for a transparent color if necessary.
- Frame editor: in Insert Object dialog box fixed refresh issue when you click the X button in the Search box.
- Frame editor: scrolling with Space bar or middle mouse button no longer messes up Paint mode.
- Frame editor: (2.5+) new "Convert blocks of backdrops to quick backdrops" command in the Arrange menu. This command allows you to reduce the number of backdrop object instances in frames that contains large blocks of identical backdrop or quick backdrop objects. This command creates new objects with the name of the original backdrop object followed by "- auto". Note: this can take several minutes for big frames.
- Event editor: (2.5+) new Event Explorer toolbar that allows you to browser event groups.
- Event editor: new Search box in Create Object dialog box.
- Event editor: fix display of line numbers greater than 32767.
- Event editor: the number of displayed event lines is now 65535 (identical to the maximum number of events per frame).
- Event editor: groups can now be activated or de-activated from the action editor.
- Event editor: fixed issue when selecting an object doesn't display child events related to this object if their parent event is a child event too and has no condition or action for this object.
- Event List editor: button width now larger for big line numbers.
- Event List editor: middle mouse button can now be used to drag display.
- Event & Event List editors: added Zoom In / Out (Ctrl + and Ctrl -).
- Global Event editor / Behaviors: animation names are no longer truncated to 15 characters for normal objects if the object is in the base frame. Note: this issue still happens with qualifiers.
- Expression editor: alterable value sub-menus now contain up to 26 values instead of 13.
- Library window: objects are now sorted by name.
- Cursor object: cursor visibility was not correctly taken into account.
- Build: new option "Allow global events to count objects that don't exist" in the Events tab of the app properties. When this option is selected and an object doesn't exist in the frame, 'Compare Number of Objects' conditions are kept (with 0 as number of objects). This option is OFF by default to keep compatibility with previous applications.
- Run: applications with a Steamworks object are no longer marked as modified when you run them.
- Profiler: in some cases, some lines in global events or behaviors could be indicated as frame events in the editor, causing crashes.
- iOS runtime: project settings and code update.
- iOS runtime: fix in String Parser.
- iOS runtime: minor memory leak in INI object.
- iOS runtime: fixes in iOS Store object.
- iOS & Mac runtimes / Physics Magnet: bug in Set On/Off and SetAngle actions.
- Mac runtime / Date & Time object: crash in Date mode.
- Android build: you can now include &<>" characters in the name of the application.
- Windows runtime / Edit box: crash when you set the caret position.
- Windows runtime: in scrolling apps, sub-apps could be executed twice per frame.
- Windows runtime: '&', '<' and '>' in application or company name could prevent EXE from starting.
- Windows runtime: selecting only the BMP or PNG filter in image filters could prevent EXE from starting.
- Windows runtime: in DirectX11 mode sometimes scaled and rotated objects could have a semi-transparent black box around them.
- Windows runtime: in DirectX11 mode space characters are no longer ignored at the beginning of a string.
- Windows runtime: unable to activate or deactivate event groups sometimes after Load Frame Position.
- Windows runtime: sound expressions not working for "Play from disk" sounds.
- All non-Windows runtimes: in physics, Circle shapes hadn't the exact same size as the Windows runtime, causing possible behavior differences.
- All runtimes: minor optimization in physics movements.
- All runtimes: the time expression in Restrict Action is now always re-evaluated (previously it was evaluated only once).
- All runtimes: new Play Sample action with number of loops, volume, pan and frequency as parameters.
- All runtimes: new Get Channel Sample Name expression, returns the name of the sample being played on a given channel.
- All runtimes / Physics movements: bug with timer-based movements options.
- All runtimes / String object: alterable string not initialized when a string object is created from an event.
- All runtimes: optimization of fast loops with a non-constant name in their Start Loop actions.
- All runtimes: optimization of Destroy Object action.
- All non-Windows runtime: performance issue when a fast loop has several Start Loop actions.
- Android runtime: minimum supported API is now API 19.
- Android runtime: now uses adaptative icons (wuthout effects).
- Android runtime: now supports scoped storage (mandatory for Android 11). With the new storage management, no permissions are needed if you store your data in the internal DataStorage folder or in public scoped directories available from Android 11. 
- Android runtime: new MANAGE_EXTENAL_STORAGE permission, available from Android 11 (API 30), to use if you need to access all the content of the external storage, more info here: . A new action is also available in the Android object to ask the user for this permission, as well as a new condition to test if this permission was granted.
- Android runtime: new ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission, available from Android 11 (API 30), allows you to access EXIF data in a picture (location, orientation, and camera data) (especially orientation in Fusion, to be able to display the image correctly).
- Android runtime / Accelerometer object: should now work like the iOS version.
- Android runtime / Advanced Direction object: optimization.
- Android runtime / Android object: new action to ask for a permission and new condition to test the result.
- Android runtime / Android object: new expression that retrieves the path of the internal public folders allowed without permissions (API 30 / Android 11 or above).
- Android runtime / Calculate Rectangle object: fix for multiple-line texts.
- Android runtime / ChartBoost object updated to latest version.
- Android runtime / Dialog object: new actions to define minimum / maximum dates.
- Android runtime / Easing object: added missing action and fixed some expressions.
- Android runtime / Get object: improvement in error handling.
- Android runtime / InApp Object: now uses billing library V3 as requested By Google, you must do some changes as requested by Google
- Android runtime / String Parser object: performance improvement in non-sensitive case mode.
- iOS runtime / AdMob object updated to latest version.
- iOS runtime: removed obsolete references to iAd.
- Mac runtime / Date & Time object: crash in date mode.
- HTML5 runtime: preloader could be displayed also before the second frame.
- HTML5 runtime / HiScore object: Reset doesn't reset all scores.
- HTML5 & UWP runtimes / INI object: bug with Delete Group.

je mais aussi les lien sur les nouvelle ptf :InApp Android : changements dans le processus de flux d'achat. Modifications du stockage Android : change si vous souhaitez cibler Android 10 ou souhaitez utiliser des dossiers non publics hors du dossier de stockage des données de l'application. Icônes adaptatives Android : vérifiez si l'icône de votre application s'affiche toujours correctement.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 19 juillet 2021 à 11:35

Bonjour plusieurs sortie consécutive de version Build beta pour corrige qu elle que BUG dont on et arrive a la version : Build 293.5 beta

voici la liste

Build 293.3 - Change log

- Frame editor: Convert Backdrops to Quick Backdrops now erases the Undo command list to avoid crashes.
- Windows runtime: an optimization in the build 293.2 could cause wrong anim/direction information in objects with a single image.

Build 293.4 - Change log

- Event editor: problem with folder display due to incorrect fix in build 292.2.
- Get object: random crashes because of changes in build 293.2.
- Android runtime: wrong version of Webview2.
- Android runtime: typo in new actions in InApp Purchase object.
- Android runtime: fix in String Parser object.
Build 293.5 - Change log

- Event explorer bar: group status not preserved for global events when you close and reopen the global event editor.
- Windows runtime: an optimization in the build 293.2 could make animation conditions stop working in single-framed objects, this optimization is definitely removed.
- Windows runtime: sub-apps created at runtime could be invisible in some cases (due to a fix in build 293.2).
- Windows runtime: "Display as sprite" sub-apps display issue in DirectX11 mode if the parent app hasn't the "resize to fit" option and/or the parent frame has no effect.
- Windows runtime: the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers value for edrt.exe is now automatically deleted if it was created when running an application (it's created when you run a DirectX 9 full screen app, causing display issues when you run other apps).
- Windows runtime / Active Direct Show object: fixed a memory leak in DirectX 11 mode.
- Windows runtime / Active Direct Show object: fixed a crash in DirectX 11 mode when no media file is loaded.
- Windows runtime / Physics movements: the fix mentioned in build 293.2 change log was not included.
- Android runtime: performance issue in String object (new in build 293.2).
- Android runtime / Android object: new condisions, actions and expressions to set / get permissions.
- iOS runtime / AdMob object: possible crashes when a request is pending for videos or interstitials and the object is deleted.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 16 août 2021 à 16:29

Bonjour je suis en en retard sortie de la version 293.6 Beta

Build 293.6 - Change log

- Windows: crash in Load Application Position when you load a saved position from a frame greater than 1.
- Windows: Load Frame Position issue when no objects are saved.
- Windows: new rotation actions in Firefly Camera object.
- Android: fix in Multiple Toch object, not behaving like the PC version.
- iOS: crash in latest version of Get object when used in conjunction with Game Center objects.
- Android & HTML5: "Follow the frame" not implemented in Inventory object.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 25 octobre 2021 à 11:51

Bonjour sortie de la version 293.7 Beta

PS / Android : si vous utilisez des objets Google Play Games dans vos applications, veuillez télécharger la dernière version du build 293.7 depuis Clickstore et l'installer, car les versions précédentes ne sont pas compatibles.

Build 293.7 - Change log

- Find All (2.5+ DLC): a new option allows you to exclude deactivated lines.
- Frame editor: you can't drag objects anymore if you press both SHIFT and CONTROL (to avoid conflicts with the Unlock Object shortcut).
- Frame editor: when you rename an object that only consists of numbers no space character is added at the beginning anymore.
- Frame and event editors: Zoom 100% is now associated with the "Ctrl + 0 (numpad)" shortcut key (note: this is after a default installation, if a previous version of Fusion has already been executed you need to either reset the toolbar settings, or go to Vew / Customize/ Toolbars / Keyboard and enter this shortcut for the View / 100% command).
- Event editor: Copy/Cut/Delete after Invert Selection was copying/deleting incorrect lines.
- Event editor: Create Object dialog, the content of the search box was ignored when you open the dialog box.
- Event editors: pressing scrolling up could add a big gap above the first line in some specific cases.
- Event editors: crash with long actions (more than 1024 characters).
- Picture editor: empty image issue when you copy an image from Affinity Pro and paste it to Fusion.
- All runtimes: crash in Start Loop when no On Loop condition contains a simple constant expression.
- Windows runtime / 2.5+ DLC: image loading times should be a bit faster when the "Optimize image size in RAM" option is selected.
- Windows runtime / 2.5+ DLC: new "Load Animations" action that allows you to load all the animations of an object from a .anm file. .ANM files can be created in the Animation editor (click Save and select "Export animation file").
	Note 1: this feature is compatible with the Windows runtime only for the moment, we'll try to port it to Android, iOS and Mac asap.
	Note 2: make sure the app you export the animactions from has the same settings as the app you load the animations into (build type, premultiplied images option, image RAM optimization option, graphic mode, etc), as .ANM files content depends on the platform and app properties that affect images.
- Windows runtime: new "Reset input between frames" action that allows you to disable the automatic input message clearing between frames (it's enabled by default). This allows you to preserve keyboard messages between frames if you need this.
- Windows runtime / Debugger: the "..." button at the bottom right now opens a popup menu that contains new "Remove All Objects" and "Display only naled values" commands.
- Windows runtime / Debugger: the Add Object dialog box now displays coordinates and fixed value when an object has several instances in the frame.
- Windows runtime / Debugger: display was updated if the window had been hidden after being expanded, wasting CPU resources.
- Android runtime: AAB build type now available in Standard version too.
- Android runtime (Developer version): new "AAB with expansion" build type that allows you to build a AAB file larger than 150 Mb.
- Android runtime: fixes in Magnet and Particles objects (differences with Windows runtime).
- Android runtime: String object, black box sometimes after adding text.
- Android runtime: Camera object, fix blank photo issue on some devices.
- Android runtime: Radio button, fix text & background color + transparency when Non System Colors is checked.
- Android runtime: ChartBoost SDK updated.
- Android/iOS/Mac runtimes: Add Backdrop to invisible layer now updates collision mask.
- Android/iOS/Mac runtimes: UTF8 option is now taken into account in INI and HiScore objects.
- iOS runtime / Q/A object: fixed wrong button detection.
- iOS runtime / iOS Video object: full-screen command now works with iOS 11+.
- iOS runtime / GameCenter: fix in expressions for multiplayer messages.
- HTML5 runtime: Play and Loop Sample problem in build 293.6.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
mardi 26 octobre 2021 à 10:23

Bonjour sortie d une version 293.8 Beta pour corriger un crash.

 Build 293.8 - Change log


- Windows runtime: crash in Load Animations when there are several instances of the object.
- Build: Break action not taken into account if all the other actions of the event are removed when you build a stand-alone app.
- Android Build: AAB files not correctly generated with Standard version.
- Android runtime: layer alignment issue with mutiple touch object (when layer position is not 0,0).

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
mardi 2 novembre 2021 à 12:12

Bonjour  sortie d une version 293.9 Beta

Build 293.9 - Change log

- Load Animations: not working when you import an object in the editor, export its animations and load it in a new object, unless you save and reload the application.
- Windows runtime: fix to avoid crashes when an extension calls events from an expression.
- Windows runtime: Multiple Touch object, New Touch On Object condition was called twice for some types of objects (String for example).
- Android runtime: typo in Downloads directory name.
- Android runtime: File object, permission change for OPEN_DOCUMENT intent.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
lundi 6 décembre 2021 à 11:13

Bonjour  sortie d une version 293.10 toujour en version Beta sera peu être  la prochaine version officielle.

Build 293.10 - Change log
- Export Animations: not working correctly if "Optimize images in RAM" was not selected.
- Running DirectX 11 applications with lot of fonts (or big fonts) from the editor should be a bit faster in this version.
- Japanese help: search was broken.
- Android: fixes in Admob for Android 12.
- Android: new features and fixes in InApp object due to Google changes. New "Set Sku list for InApps" and "Set Sku list for Subs" actions, new "PurchaseAcknowledged", "Purchased-Index from Sku" and "Convert time to string" expressions. On Error now detects when there are no purchase, check the Help file for more information.
- Android: new "Set Reminder Minutes" action in Calendar Entry object.
- Android: fix in Font Packer to include more fonts.

2412 messages
Fusion 2.5 Dev Fusion 2.5
Firefly Exporteur UWP Exporteur iOS Exporteur Android Exporteur HTML5 Fusion 2.5+
jeudi 16 décembre 2021 à 11:33

Bonjour on passe en version officielle 293.10 Build

Notes de version importantes pour l'exportateur Android - Si vous utilisez des objets Google Play Games dans vos applications, veuillez télécharger la dernière version pour la build 293.7 ou supérieure depuis Clickstore et l'installer, car les versions précédentes ne sont pas compatibles. - Vous pouvez désormais créer des bundles d'applications Android AAB avec extension, ce qui signifie qu'ils peuvent dépasser 150 Mo. - Quelques changements importants dans le runtime Android, Fernando a créé quelques documents pour les expliquer, voir ci-dessous.

InApp Android changes

Android storage changes

Android adaptative icons

Pour les icônes adaptatives et les changements de stockage, en théorie la plupart des applications n'aurez pas besoin de modifications (consultez d'abord le journal des modifications), mais pour les achats InApp sur Android, vous devrez probablement vérifier attentivement son document : Changements InApp Android : changements dans le processus de flux d'achat. Modifications du stockage Android : modifiez si vous souhaitez cibler Android 10 ou souhaitez utiliser des dossiers non publics hors du dossier de stockage des données de l'application. Icônes adaptatives Android : vérifiez si l'icône de votre application s'affiche toujours correctement.  En cas de problème vous pouvez réinstaller n'importe quelle autre version (pas besoin de désinstaller au préalable, il suffit de réinstaller le patch du build que vous souhaitez réinstaller). PS : le patch CF 2.5 met à jour tous les exportateurs installés, ainsi que le DLC 2.5+, vous n'avez pas besoin de les réinstaller. Merci!

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